Music that Inspires Change

I create music to provoke thought and empower others to take action and shape their future.

My next release, Canticles for the Innocent, will be presented live on December 14th at the Center for Women and Their Work in Austin. The album features three song cycles that explore themes of innocence, acceptance, and renewal, enhanced by a collaboration with The Innocentia Quartet, visual artist Denise Prince, and choreographer and dancer Kaita Mrazek.


About Me

I'm an Austin-based composer with more than a decade of experience composing and performing music for TV, film, dance, and theater. Some of my notable works include The Illusory Impressions Project and collaborations with acclaimed artists Teresa Hubbard and Alexander Birchler, and I've composed for Ballet Austin, the Blanton Museum, and more.

After earning my Bachelor of Arts in Music from the University of Texas, I toured North America with my band Zykos, weaving stories through song and recording with talented producers for artists like Spoon and Craig Finn. Now I serve as the Director of Education at Capital Music Center, where I help students of all ages discover their musical voices.


Apple Music



Pictures at an Exhibition | Reclamation | A Clarification of a New Life

Multimedia Performance | Austin | September 20-21, 2019
Composer, Musical Director

Created a groundbreaking multimedia performance reimagining Mussorgsky's masterpiece. Original compositions guided audiences through an immersive journey featuring installations by Jarod Harmeier, Brian Johnson, Aaron Michalovic, Adam Young & The Hatch Workshop. Musical promenades connected each installation, transforming the space into a living gallery.

Strangers (Television Series)

Featured Music | Season 2, Episode 7 "West Side Highway" | August 5, 2018

Original works "The Balcony" and "The Gallery (Spotted Mind)" from The Illusory Impressions Project were featured in this episode. Available on Spotify

The Illusory Impressions Project | A Study in Release

Site-Specific Performance | Jennifer's Gardens, Austin | November 10-11, 2017
Composer, Musical Director

Composed original music for this innovative site-specific performance at historic Jennifer's Gardens. Compositions worked in harmony with Michelle Thompson Ulerich's choreography, guiding audiences through interconnected scenes throughout the gardens.


Live Performance | Austin | March 2017
Composer, Performer

Composed and performed the live soundtrack for the Jennifer Sherburn & Natalie George Production of "Hopfen und Waltz," creating an original musical framework for this contemporary performance.

The Illusory Impressions Project | An Invitation to Shift

Multidisciplinary Performance | Texas Federation of Women's Clubs' Mansion | April 2016
Producer, Creative Director, Composer, Pianist, Vocalist

Conceived and executed this Austin Critics' Table Award project. Working with Assistant Director and Choreographer Michelle Thompson, managed all aspects from concept through performance, including composition, production management, and donor relations. Project details at

DA! Theater Collective’s Day Boy/Night girl

Theater Production | Austin | 2012
Composer, Pianist

Composed and performed the original score for this award-winning production, featuring work on piano, cello, and pedal steel guitar.


Performance Collaboration | Austin | 2011-12

Created original music in collaboration with visual artist Alyson Fox and choreographers Lisa del Rissario and Reginold Harris. Performed at Salvage Vanguard Theater and Austin Ventures at Ballet Austin.

Movie Mountain (Méliès)

Digital Art Installation | Austin | 2011
Composer, Pianist

Composed and performed original music for this internationally exhibited Hubbard/Birchler Studio artwork. Project details at

House with Pool

Digital Art Installation | Austin | 2004
Composer, Pianist

Created and performed the original score for this internationally exhibited Hubbard/Birchler Studio installation. Project details at


Let It All In
April 1, 2017

Robert Faires’ Top 10 Classical Music / Dance Treasures of 2016 | The Austin Chronicle | December 12, 2016 |

Illusory Impressions: Catherine Davis and Michelle Thompson’s site-specific dance-and-music work will move you in ways you won’t expect | The Austin Chronicle | April 29, 2016 |

A site-specific performance dances through architecture and music | Austin American-Statesman | April 25, 2016 |


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© Catherine Davis Music, LLC